Concentrated Equities

Strategy Overview

  • Long biased long/short strategy building a portfolio of 8-12 long positions, typically small capitalization companies listed on a US exchange, or with the predominance of their revenue generated in the United States.
  • Implemented via our in-depth process to identify unique secular growth companies that can significantly compound over a long-term horizon.
  • Seeks to generate significant after-tax returns and will implement certain tax mitigation strategies.
  • Long positions supplemented by shorts which can be used for further alpha generation, or specific position or factor exposure hedging.
  • Smaller non-core positions and trading used to generate additional alpha.
  • May hold cash or use leverage opportunistically.

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Strategy Information

Inception 05/01/2018
Management Fee 1% per annum
Accessibility ???
Minimum Investment $1 million (Fund); $10 million (SMA)
Performance Fee Calculated after five years, 25% of the outperformance to the Russell 2000 Total Return Index
Fund Liquidity Monthly subscriptions and redemptions (20 days notice). No lock up or gates.
Investor Requirements Open to U.S. and Offshore investors who meet the Qualified Client test.

Portfolio Management